1301 Pierce Street, San Francisco, CA 94115


The Westside Methadone Maintenance Program for heroin addiction involves daily dispensing of methadone, supervised urine screens, and long-term outpatient counseling The goal of the maintenance program is to reduce the dependency of heroin and replace that addiction with methadone treatment. Participants have the opportunity for health and lifestyle changes through vocation and motivational counseling, referrals for medical treatment, and education counseling. The program includes HIV prevention and testing services.


The Westside Methadone Detoxification Program provides medical intervention through daily dispensing of methadone and counseling support for up to 180 days to opiate-addicted individuals so they may reduce their dependency on heroin. The program follows a harm-reduction approach to support clients in developing the motivation to become drug-free or free of dependence on illicit drugs. The program is designed to gradually reduce the dosage of methadone with the ultimate goal of being drug-free.

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